Korean Society of Toxicology

Toxicological Research

한국독성학회지 “Toxicological Research”가 2021년 10월 SCIE에 등재되었습니다. 이는 2019년 Volume 35 Issue 1 (2019) 논문부터 소급 적용됩니다. 2021 JCR Impact Factor : 3.019
Toxicological Research is now indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (Toxicology). Coverage begins with Volume 35 Issue 1 (2019). 2021 JCR Impact Factor : 3.019

Volumes & Issues (2008 – Present)

한국독성학회 홈페이지 회원 로그인 후 스프링거 Toxicological Research 저널사이트로 이동할 경우에 한하여, 모든 논문 원문을
열람 가능합니다.
You can read the full text of Toxicological Research articles only if you go to the Springer Toxicological Research Journal
site after logging in at the website of The Korean Society of Toxicology.
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Volumes & Issues (1985-2019)

Toxicological Research