The Korean Society of Toxicology(KSOT) and the Korea Environmental Mutagen Society(KEMS) are academic societies in the field of toxicology, which were established to more efficiently meet social needs regarding that field.
The KSOT aims to promote the academic development of toxicology and relevant disciplines and contribute to the further advancement of toxicology by enhancing academic ties at home and aborad. It has accomplished remarkable growth year after year, gaining strong reputation.
- Academic research of toxicology
- Publish a journal
- Hold conferences
- Certify toxicologists through training and tests
- Exchange and distribute information and knowledge on toxicity
- Promote friendship among members
- Promote academic exchanges with relevant international societies and organizations
- Other businesses related to toxicology
Journal Publication
Title: Toxicological Research (quarterly)
Academic Events
Toxicology workshop (in spring)
The KOST/KEMS Spring International Symposium (in spring)
Professional toxicology training programs (in summer)
The Annual Meeting of the KSOT/KEMS (in autumn)
Host of the XIII International Congress of Toxicology in 2013
Host of the The 7
th International Congress of Toxicology of Asian Society of Toxicology in 2015
Host of the 12th International & 5th Asian Congress on Environmental Mutagens in 2017