Korean Society of Toxicology


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게시글 내용
Call for Papers (International Conference on Environmental Health sponsored by EHP, KSEH and KSOT)

International Conference on Environmental Health sponsored by EHP, KSEH and KSOT

 ♦ Call for Papers
A limited number of invited speakers will be officially selected based on strict criteria as follows: scholars must submit the manuscript of research intentionally presented in this conference to the journal “Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP)” by January 31, 2012; the manuscript must be either accepted or considered by expert reviewers.
For your convenience, the web link for online submission to EHP is directly provided in the website page of the conference. Please provide us a cover letter to indicate if your manuscript is accepted or being considered for publication when submit an abstract.
The following criteria will be used to facilitate the selection of papers:
-       Quality of the research
-       Originality of the work
-       Related to the session theme of the conference
-       Either be accepted or being considered manuscript submitted to journal “Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP)” 
♦ About Environmental Health Perspectives Journal
Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP)is a monthly journal of peer-reviewed research and news published by the U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services. The journal will publish papers that warrant prompt publication in multi-disciplinary scientific areas encompassing basic research; epidemiologic studies; risk assessment; relevant ethical, legal, social, environmental justice, and policy topics; longitudinal human studies; in vitro and in vivo animal research with a relationship to human health; and environmental medicine case reports. EHP serves as a forum for the discussion of the interrelationships between the environment and human health. Regarding with an impact factor of 6.09, EHP is the top monthly journal in the fields of public, environmental, and occupational health and the third-ranked monthly journal in the fields of environmental sciences.
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